Nevus (plural nevi) is a nonspecific medical term for a visible, circumscribed, chronic lesion of the skin or mucosa. The term originates from nævus, which is Latin for "birthmark"; however, a nevus can be either congenital (present at birth) or acquired. Common terms, including mole, birthmark, and beauty mark, are used to describe nevi, but these terms do not distinguish specific types of nevi from one another. The term nevus is applied to a number of conditions caused by neoplasias and hyperplasias of melanocytes, as well as a number of pigmentation disorders, both hypermelanotic (containing increased melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color) and hypomelanotic (containing decreased melanin). Suspicious skin moles which are multi-colored or pink may be a finding in skin cancer. Melanocytic nevus Melanocytic nevi can be categorized based on the location of melanocytic cells Junctional: epidermis Intradermal: dermis Compound: epidermis and dermis Atypical (dysplastic) nevus: This type of nevus must be diagnosed based on histological features. Clinically, atypical nevi are characterized by variable pigmentation and irregular borders. Becker's nevus Blue nevus (rarely congenital): A classic blue nevus is usually smaller than 1 cm, flat, and blue-black in color. Hori's nevus Nevus spilus (speckled lentiginous nevus): This lesion includes dark speckles within a tan-brown background. Pigmented spindle cell nevus Spitz nevus Zosteriform lentiginous nevus Congenital melanocytic nevus These nevi are often categorized based on size, however, the lesions usually grow in proportion to the body over time, so the category may change over an individual's life. This categorization is important because large congenital melanocytic nevi are associated with an increased risk of melanoma, a serious type of skin cancer. Small:
Grégoire Courtine, Tomislav Milekovic, Flavio Raschella
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