ME-326: Control systems and discrete-time controlCe cours inclut la modélisation et l'analyse de systèmes dynamiques, l'introduction des principes de base et l'analyse de systèmes en rétroaction, la synthèse de régulateurs dans le domain fréquentiel
MATH-203(b): Analysis IIILe cours étudie les concepts fondamentaux de l'analyse vectorielle et l'analyse de Fourier en vue de leur utilisation pour
résoudre des problèmes pluridisciplinaires d'ingénierie scientifique.
MICRO-311(b): Signals and systems II (for SV)Ce cours aborde la théorie des systèmes linéaires discrets invariants par décalage (LID). Leurs propriétés et caractéristiques fondamentales y sont discutées, ainsi que les outils fondamentaux permett
CH-250: Mathematical methods in chemistryThis course consists of two parts. The first part covers basic concepts of molecular symmetry and the application of group theory to describe it. The second part introduces Laplace transforms and Four
CS-423: Distributed information systemsThis course introduces the foundations of information retrieval, data mining and knowledge bases, which constitute the foundations of today's Web-based distributed information systems.
AR-480: UE X : Experience designExperience Design examines the effects of digitalization on architectural typologies in the contemporary city. The course questions traditional typologies by focusing on an understanding and re-design
PHYS-467: Machine learning for physicistsMachine learning and data analysis are becoming increasingly central in sciences including physics. In this course, fundamental principles and methods of machine learning will be introduced and practi
PHYS-423: Plasma IFollowing an introduction of the main plasma properties, the fundamental concepts of the fluid and kinetic theory of plasmas are introduced. Applications concerning laboratory, space, and astrophysica
MATH-207(d): Analysis IVThe course studies the fundamental concepts of complex analysis and Laplace analysis with a view to their use to solve multidisciplinary scientific engineering problems.