Sophie LufkinFORMATION
2010 - Thèse de doctorat au sein de l'EDAR (Ecole doctorale Architecture, Ville, Histoire) sur la densification des friches ferroviaires, co-dirigée par les Prof. Inès Lamunière et Vincent Kaufmann
2005 - "Master of Art" en architecture, sous la direction des Prof. Patrick BERGER et Inès LAMUNIERE
2003 - Année d'échange à l'ETHZ
1999 - Entrée à l'EPFL, section architecture
1998 - Maturité type B, Collège Claparède, Genève
2010 - Architecte, Cheffe de projet chez LAR - Fernando Romero, México
2006 - Assistante de recherche à lEPFL au Laboratoire darchitecture et mobilité urbaine (LAMU), projet de recherche PNR54 "Densification des friches ferroviaires"
2005 - Architecte chez Devanthéry & Lamunière, Genève
2004 - Stage darchitecture, Eric Maria, Genève
2003 - Stage darchitecture, Sumi & Burkhalter, Zurich
2001 - Stage darchitecture, Devanthéry & Lamunière, Genève
2001 - Prix SIA Vaudoise pour le projet "Fondation Ella Maillart à Chandolin"
2005 - Prix de l'Association des diplômes A3-EPFL
2008 - Bourse Erna Hamburger
Français (maternelle), allemand et anglais (courantes), portugais (notions)
Emmanuel ReyEmmanuel Rey earned his architecture degree at the EPFL in 1997 (with Paul Chemetov, Inès Lamunière, Yves Lion and Luigi Snozzi as professors), followed in 1999 by a European postgraduate diploma in architecture and sustainable development conferred jointly by the EPFL, the Université Catholique de Louvain, the ENSA Toulouse and the AA in London. In 2006, he completed his PhD at the Université Catholique de Louvain and was awarded in 2009 the European Gustave Magnel Prize for the quality of his thesis. Since 2000, he works by the architectural and urban design firm Bauart based in Bern, Neuchâtel and Zurich, of which he became a partner in 2004. In that position, he is involved in many projects, competitions and realizations, which have been published, exhibited and awarded on several occasions. In 2010, he is appointed a professor at the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering and founds the Laboratory of Architecture and Sustainable Technologies (LAST). Emmanuel Reys contributions focus on the field of sustainable architecture, with special attention to how sustainability principles translate at various levels of the process - from urban design to construction components - and to the incorporation of evaluative and innovative criteria into the architectural project. His interdisciplinary approaches help build dynamic ties between engineers and architects. In 2015, he is awarded by the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences and received the swiss-academies award for transdisciplinary research (td-award).