CH-313: Chemical biologyClosely interfacing with bioengineering and medicine, this course provides foundational concepts in applying small-molecule chemical toolsets to probe the functions of living systems at the mechanisti
CH-419: Protein mass spectrometry and proteomicsIn systems biology, proteomics represents an essential pillar. The understanding of protein function and regulation provides key information to decipher the complexity of living systems. Proteomic tec
ENG-436: Food biotechnologyThe course will deliver basic knowledge on the principles of food fermentation and enzyme technology. The course will also present benefits that food biotechnology can bring in terms of Nutrition & He
BIO-109: Introduction to life sciences (for IC)Ce cours présente les principes fondamentaux à l'œuvre dans les organismes vivants. Autant que possible, l'accent est mis sur les contributions de l'Informatique aux progrès des Sciences de la Vie.
CH-411: Cellular signallingPresentation of selected signalling pathways with emphasis on both the mechanism of action of the molecules involved, molecular interactions and the role of their spatio-temporal organization within t
BIO-471: Cancer biology IThe course covers in detail molecular mechanisms of cancer development with emphasis on cell cycle control, genome stability, oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes.
ChE-311: Biochemical engineeringThis course introduces the basic principles of bioprocess engineering and highlights the similarities and differences with chemical engineering. Without going into the fundamentals, it proposes an ove
BIO-373: Genetics and genomicsThe theoretical part of this course covers classical genetics and contemporary genomics. Because bioinformatics has become important for genomic research, the course also includes practical applicatio
PHYS-468: Physics of lifeLife has emerged on our planet from physical principles such as molecular self-organization, thermodynamics, stochastics and iterative refinement. This course will introduce the physical methods to st
BIOENG-399: ImmunoengineeringImmunoengineering is an emerging field where engineering principles are grounded in immunology. This course provides students a broad overview of how engineering approaches can be utilized to study im