CH-317: Drug discovery and developmentThis course discusses the molecular basis of diseases and how drugs work. Concepts and processes employed in today's drug discovery and development are covered. The first part of the course focuses on
BIO-377: Physiology by systemsLe but est de connaitre et comprendre le fonctionnement des systèmes cardiovasculaire, urinaire, respiratoire, digestif, ainsi que du métabolisme de base et sa régulation afin de déveloper une réflect
CH-419: Protein mass spectrometry and proteomicsIn systems biology, proteomics represents an essential pillar. The understanding of protein function and regulation provides key information to decipher the complexity of living systems. Proteomic tec
ENV-103: BiologyThis course will cover the fundamental principles governing life and the living world. Topics will include the diversity of living organisms, cellular biology, genetics, evolution, and ecology. This c
CH-110: Advanced general chemistry ILe cours comporte deux parties. Les bases de la thermodynamique des équilibres et de la cinétique des réactions sont introduites dans l'une d'elles. Les premières notions de chimie quantique sur les é
ENV-202: Microbiology for engineers"Microbiology for engineers" covers the main microbial processes that take place in the environment and in treatment systems. It presents elemental cycles that are catalyzed by microorganisms and that
BIO-692: Symmetry and Conservation in the CellThis course shows students how the physical principles of conservation, symmetry, and locality influence the dynamics of living organisms at the molecular and cellular level. Computer simulations are
BIO-471: Cancer biology IThe course covers in detail molecular mechanisms of cancer development with emphasis on cell cycle control, genome stability, oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes.