In systems biology, proteomics represents an essential pillar. The understanding of protein function and regulation provides key information to decipher the complexity of living systems. Proteomic tec
Biochemistry is a key discipline for the Life Sciences. Biological Chemistry I and II are two tightly interconnected courses that aim to describe and understand in molecular terms the processes that m
Les étudiants comprennent les bases physico-chimiques des méthodes de séparation chromatographiques et électrophorétiques.
Life has emerged on our planet from physical principles such as molecular self-organization, thermodynamics, stochastics and iterative refinement. This course will introduce the physical methods to st
Closely interfacing with bioengineering and medicine, this course provides foundational concepts in applying small-molecule chemical toolsets to probe the functions of living systems at the mechanisti
The aim of this course is to treat three of the major techniques for structural characterization of molecules used in chemistry and chemical engineering: mass spectrometry, NMR, and X-ray techniques.
Acquisition des notions fondamentales liées à la réactivité des molécules organiques, identification de la structure de petites molécules organiques au moyen des techniques de spectrométrie de masse,
The course treats the main surface analysis methods for the characterization of surfaces, interfaces and thin films. It discusses how these methods can be applied to gain specific knowledge about stru
The first part of the course (~20%) is devoted to green chemistry and life cycle assessment.
The remainder focuses on process intensification (fundamentals, detailed description of a few selected te
The course will deliver basic knowledge on the principles of food fermentation and enzyme technology. The course will also present benefits that food biotechnology can bring in terms of Nutrition & He