CS-308: Introduction to quantum computationThe course introduces the paradigm of quantum computation in an axiomatic way. We introduce the notion of quantum bit, gates, circuits and we treat the most important quantum algorithms. We also touch
EE-334: Digital systems designStudents will acquire basic knowledge about methodologies and tools for the design, optimization, and verification of custom digital systems/hardware.
They learn how to design synchronous digital cir
PHYS-454: Quantum optics and quantum informationThis lecture describes advanced concepts and applications of quantum optics. It emphasizes the connection with ongoing research, and with the fast growing field of quantum technologies. The topics cov
CS-173: Fundamentals of digital systemsWelcome to the introductory course in digital design and computer architecture. In this course, we will embark on a journey into the world of digital systems, exploring the fundamental principles and
EE-110: Logic systems (for MT)Ce cours couvre les fondements des systèmes numériques. Sur la base d'algèbre Booléenne et de circuitscombinatoires et séquentiels incluant les machines d'états finis, les methodes d'analyse et de syn
PHYS-541: Quantum computingThis course introduces quantum computing, starting with quantum mechanics and information theory. It covers the quantum circuit model, universal gates, foundational quantum algorithms, noise, quantum