MICRO-534: Advanced MEMS & microsystemsIn depth analysis of the operation principles and technology of advanced micro- and nanosystems. Familiarisation to their implementation into products and their applications.
MICRO-520: Laser microprocessingThe physical principles of laser light materials interactions are introduced with a large number of industrial application examples. Materials processing lasers are developing further and further, the
EE-333: Micro and nanoelectronic devicesCe cours est une introduction aux principes physiques des composants à semiconducteurs (transistors bipolaires, MOSFET et autres) et à leur modèlisation. Les performances électriques (digitales et ana
PHYS-407: Frontiers in nanosciencesThe students understand the relevant experimental and theoretical concepts of nanoscale science. The course covers basic concepts like quantum size effects and their characterization techniques, and h
EE-440: Photonic systems and technologyThe physics of optical communication components and their applications to communication systems will be covered. The course is intended to present the operation principles of contemporary optical comm
MICRO-516: NanophotonicsStudents understand and apply the physics of the interaction of light with semiconductors. They understand the operating mechanism of scaled photonic devices such as photodetectors, LEDs and lasers, a
MSE-482: Optical properties of materialsStudents will study fundamental principles of light-matter interaction and apply classical and quantum mechanical models for quantitative estimates. Optical phenomena in glasses, organic/inorganic sem