BIO-443: Fundamentals of biophotonicsThis module serves as an introduction to the area of biophotonics. The approach is multidisciplinary .The course is mainly knowledge-based but students will benefit from the skills learned by carrying
EE-440: Photonic systems and technologyThe physics of optical communication components and their applications to communication systems will be covered. The course is intended to present the operation principles of contemporary optical comm
PHYS-340: Optics and photonicsL'optique touche à beaucoup de sujets, du calcul et cryptage quantique à la communication
par fibre. Ce premier cours traite plusieurs aspects de l'optique ondulaire et électromagnétique: propagation
MICRO-523: Optical detectorsStudents analyse the fundamental characteristics of optical detectors, their architectures, selected applications and case studies. Photoemissive devices, photodiodes, infrared sensors and single-phot
MICRO-428: MetrologyThe course deals with the concept of measuring in different domains, particularly in the electrical, optical, and microscale domains. The course will end with a perspective on quantum measurements, wh