EE-594: Smart sensors for IoTThis lecture provides insights in the design and technologies of Internet-of-Things sensor nodes, with focus on low power technologies. The lectures alternate every two weeks between sensing technolog
ME-427: Networked control systemsThis course offers an introduction to control systems using communication networks for interfacing sensors, actuators, controllers, and processes. Challenges due to network non-idealities and opportun
CS-401: Applied data analysisThis course teaches the basic techniques, methodologies, and practical skills required to draw meaningful insights from a variety of data, with the help of the most acclaimed software tools in the dat
BIO-378: Physiology lab ILe TP de physiologie introduit les approches expérimentales du domaine biomédical, avec les montages de mesure, les capteurs, le conditionnement des signaux, l'acquisition et traitement de données.
BIO-379: Physiology lab IILe TP de physiologie introduit les approches expérimentales du domaine biomédical, avec les montages de mesure, les capteurs, le conditionnement des signaux, l'acquisition et traitement de données.
EE-536: Physical models for micro and nanosystemsStudents will learn simple theoretical models, the theoretical background of finite element modeling as well as its application to modeling charge, mass and heat transport in electronic, fluidic and e
MICRO-428: MetrologyThe course deals with the concept of measuring in different domains, particularly in the electrical, optical, and microscale domains. The course will end with a perspective on quantum measurements, wh