
Introduction to Organic and Printed Electronics

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DEMO: eiusmod duis
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This lecture introduces the field of organic and printed electronics, focusing on the interconnectivity of electronic devices, flexible and printed sensors, and energy autonomous smart labels. It covers the motivations behind the development of smart objects, the technology shift towards flexible sensors, and the practical aspects of the course, including the course content, schedule, and evaluation criteria. The course aims to provide knowledge on materials, fabrication processes, devices, systems, and applications in the context of large area manufacturing techniques. By the end of the course, students will be able to identify the advantages of large area manufacturing, integrate the operation principles of devices fabricated using printing techniques, and describe the architecture and operation principles of various devices.

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Instructors (2)
aliqua minim
Sunt tempor cillum laborum dolor officia mollit laboris deserunt commodo. Esse ut proident fugiat amet cillum ipsum eiusmod aliquip. Id labore excepteur nostrud exercitation duis proident. Sint reprehenderit est eiusmod eu eiusmod consectetur deserunt.
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Reprehenderit do dolore laborum ad enim deserunt velit commodo adipisicing. Labore cillum dolore ipsum cupidatat. Dolore consequat ipsum ad ullamco culpa ut incididunt voluptate enim non ea excepteur ex amet.
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