
Soldering and Brazing: Fundamentals and Techniques

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Dolor aliqua magna Lorem esse qui. Ad sit labore irure id esse eu do ut ullamco non id deserunt. Do voluptate nisi culpa esse ullamco ullamco commodo nisi minim adipisicing voluptate enim commodo. Non ullamco est reprehenderit laborum velit fugiat qui tempor sunt quis eu occaecat ipsum.
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This lecture covers the fundamentals of soldering and brazing, including the role of fluxes and shielding gases. It explains the process steps involved in soldering and brazing, such as cleaning, positioning, heating, and cooling. The lecture also discusses the use of eutectic alloys in soldering, interfaces in solder joints, and high-temperature brazing. It delves into the challenges of brazing aluminum and its alloys, as well as the wetting and filling of joints in brazed or soldered assemblies. Additionally, it explores the use of fluxes, different types of flux compositions, and self-fluxing brazing alloys. The lecture concludes with examples of brazed hybrid metal-ceramic parts and soldering procedures like reflow soldering.

Instructors (2)
labore magna
Commodo ad deserunt excepteur nostrud sunt et est in. Aute aute ea velit magna laborum cillum do. Id et incididunt aute mollit voluptate eiusmod. Laborum mollit ad reprehenderit occaecat dolore ea sunt. Sint sit excepteur cupidatat adipisicing qui ex nulla elit mollit aliqua anim incididunt.
qui excepteur
Ex ullamco sint magna ut do deserunt aute incididunt cupidatat consectetur consequat ipsum. Cupidatat et consequat velit occaecat est esse. Sint enim quis aute veniam commodo do in in deserunt consectetur esse reprehenderit. Non consequat sit nulla dolore id sunt duis nulla.
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