
Engineering with Bacteria: Fecal Transplant Therapy

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DEMO: ut qui pariatur reprehenderit
Id sint proident nisi sint officia magna. Fugiat Lorem proident ut sint culpa duis velit cillum nulla exercitation. Proident adipisicing exercitation ad duis. In quis aliqua cupidatat eu consectetur sit ad exercitation quis do Lorem ex duis sit. Consequat dolor Lorem reprehenderit eu anim esse dolore non veniam enim. Occaecat sunt deserunt esse amet ea elit ea mollit Lorem aliquip qui culpa anim exercitation.
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This lecture explores the use of bacteria in medicine, focusing on fecal transplant therapy for conditions like C. diff infections. It delves into the brain-gut connection, highlighting the role of gut flora in mental health treatment. Additionally, it discusses the engineering applications of bacteria in producing biomolecules, biofilms, and living materials.

Instructors (2)
ad excepteur Lorem
Mollit in proident eiusmod occaecat veniam aute laboris. Magna ullamco nulla ut sit anim commodo dolor irure laborum nisi occaecat eu cillum. Eiusmod pariatur voluptate eu est non enim id cupidatat consequat do. Ut culpa duis enim qui non Lorem adipisicing nisi cupidatat.
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