Covers global climate issues, impacts, policies, and mechanisms to slow down climate change through group work and project management.
Delves into extreme weather events, their definitions, causes, and consequences, emphasizing the importance of understanding climate change in relation to these occurrences.
Explores natural climate modes like NAO and ENSO, their impact on global temperature, and the urgency of emissions reduction.
Explores the Paris Agreement, Emissions Gap, COP 27, UNFCCC, IPCC, WMO reports, Swiss NDC, Glasgow COP26, and IPCC's AR6 findings.
Explores extreme events in climate change, emission metrics, and predicting future climate extremes.
Explores the evolution of climate models and the latest IPCC findings on climate sensitivity, including ECS estimation and constraints from observations and paleoclimate records.
Explores extreme events in the context of climate change, defining extreme weather events and their occurrence above threshold values.
Explores radiative forcing, climate sensitivity, and feedback mechanisms in climate change, emphasizing the role of various components like CO2 and methane.
Covers climate negotiations, the Paris Agreement, carbon budget, emission scenarios, tipping points, and the urgency of reducing emissions.
Explores tipping elements, CO2 emission reductions, carbon budget, and global warming thresholds.