Hans Jörg Mathieu of German origin is born Dortmund in 1942. He is Swiss and citizen of Eschenbach/St. Gall. After his baccalaureat in Dortmund he started his studies at the University of Tübingen and the Technical Unversity of Karlsruhe, where he obtained in January 1969 a diploma in Solid State Physics under the direction of Prof. Wolfgang Ruppel. This is followed by a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry in June 1971 at the University of Dortmund under the direction of Prof. Hans Rickert. Between 1971 and 1973 he obtains a two year research fellowship from Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory of the University of California in Berkeley with Dr. Rolf Muller. This is where he constructs the first automatic ellipsometer and has first contacts with Prof. Gabor Somorjai and electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis(ESCA). In January 1974 he rejoins EPFL and assumes responsability of the Surface Analysis Group within the Laboratory of Chemical Metallurgy (Prof. Dieter Landolt). He receives together with D. Landolt the EMPA research prize. He becomes Privat-Docent at EPFL in 1982 and is nominated titular professor in 1994. From the first day on his main interest in research at EPFL is aimed at the development of Surface Analysis and Thin Films of solid materials and oxide films. Since 1993 he moves more and more towards the field of biomaterials and biosensing. Teaching at EPFL on the master and Ph.D. level is in the area of Surface Analysis and Biomaterials. H.J. Mathieu was director of the Doctoral School of the Materials Section at EPFL until 2007. Prof. H.J. Mathieu was chairman of the International Steering Committee (ISC) of the European Conference for Applications in Surface and Interface Analysis (ECASIA) 1997-2007, secretary and later head of the Applied Surface Science Division (ASSD) (1995-2001) of the International Union for Vacuum Science and Technology (IUVSTA), permanent member of the Technical Committee TC201 of the International Standard Organisation (ISO), expert in the Technical Committee on Surace Chemical analysis of the Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards (VAMAS) since 1989, and co-founder and president of the Swiss Working Group for Surface Analysis (SAOG-GSSI) 1985-2009. He is author and co-author of more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific publications, books and book-chapters. He is member of the International Advisory Board of the Wiley journal "Surface and Interface Analysis".
Please note that this is not a complete list of this person’s publications. It includes only semantically relevant works. For a full list, please refer to Infoscience.
Horst Vogel, Hans Jörg Mathieu
Paul Muralt, Hans Jörg Mathieu, Thomas Maeder, Nicolas Xanthopoulos, Stéphane Hiboux