
Emina Soljanin

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Related publications (16)

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Status update through M/G/1/1 queues with HARQ

Elie Najm, Emina Soljanin

We consider a system where randomly generated updates are to be transmitted to a monitor, but only a single update can be in the transmission service at a time. Therefore, the source has to prioritize between the two possible transmission policies: preempt ...

Timely Updates over an Erasure Channel

Elie Najm, Emina Soljanin

Using an age of information (AoI) metric, we examine the transmission of coded updates through a binary erasure channel to a monitor/receiver. %Coded redundancy is employed to ensure the timely delivery of codupdate packets. We start by deriving the averag ...

Simplex Queues for Hot-Data Download

Elie Najm, Emina Soljanin

In cloud storage systems, hot data is usually replicated over multiple disks/servers in order to accommodate simultaneous access by multiple users as well as increase the fault tolerance of the system. Recent cloud storage research has proposed using avail ...
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