We consider a system where randomly generated updates are to be transmitted to a monitor, but only a single update can be in the transmission service at a time. Therefore, the source has to prioritize between the two possible transmission policies: preempting the current update or discarding the new one. We consider Poisson arrivals and general service time, and refer to this system as the M/G/1/1 queue. We start by studying the average status update age and the optimal update arrival rate for these two schemes under general service time distribution. We then apply these results on two practical scenarios in which updates are sent through an erasure channel using an infinite incremental redundancy (IIR) HARQ system and a fixed redundancy (FR) HARQ system. We show that in both schemes the best strategy would be not to preempt. Moreover, we also prove that, from an age point of view, IIR is better than FR.
Emre Telatar, Elie Najm, Rajai Nasser