
Matthew Thomas Walters

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Related publications (6)

Please note that this is not a complete list of this person’s publications. It includes only semantically relevant works. For a full list, please refer to Infoscience.

Flux correlators and semiclassics

Riccardo Rattazzi, Alexander Monin, Eren Clément Firat, Matthew Thomas Walters

We consider correlators for the flux of energy and charge in the background of operators with large global U(1) charge in conformal field theory (CFT). It has recently been shown that the corresponding Euclidean correlators generically admit a semiclassica ...

Towards a nonperturbative construction of the S-matrix

Francesco Riva, Matthew Thomas Walters, Brian Quinn Henning

We present a nonperturbative recipe for directly computing the S-matrix in strongly-coupled QFTs. The method makes use of spectral data obtained in a Hamiltonian framework and can be applied to a wide range of theories, including potentially QCD. We demons ...

Thermalization and hydrodynamics of two-dimensional quantum field theories

Matthew Thomas Walters

We consider 2d QFTs as relevant deformations of CFTs in the thermodynamic limit. Using causality and KPZ universality, we place a lower bound on the timescale characterizing the onset of hydrodynamics. The bound is determined parametrically in terms of the ...
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