
Zhe Sun

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Related publications (9)

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Electrically tunable giant Nernst effect in two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures

Andras Kis, Guilherme Migliato Marega, Zhe Sun, Gabriele Pasquale

The Nernst effect, a transverse thermoelectric phenomenon, has attracted significant attention for its potential in energy conversion, thermoelectrics and spintronics. However, achieving high performance and versatility at low temperatures remains elusive. ...

Electrical detection of the flat-band dispersion in van der Waals field-effect structures

Andras Kis, Oleg Yazyev, Kristians Cernevics, Fedele Tagarelli, Edoardo Lopriore, Zhe Sun, Gabriele Pasquale

Two-dimensional flat-band systems have recently attracted considerable interest due to the rich physics unveiled by emergent phenomena and correlated electronic states at van Hove singularities. However, the difficulties in electrically detecting the flat- ...
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