Bidimensional interaction of an oblique shock with a plane plate has been studied numerically using large eddy simulation (LES) and compared with experimental data. This case represents an idealized model of bidimensional air intake and constitutes a challenge for compressible LES because shock and strong separation are considered. Numerically, a particular attention is given to spatial numerical scheme and to inflow conditions. Numerical results are in good quantitative agreement with experimental results, and LES can now be considered as a predictive tool for such physically complex flow. Mean and fluctuating longitudinal velocity are in very satisfactory agreement with experimental data. Nevertheless, cross term (u'w') appears underestimated. The separated zone is correctly described, and LES can be used for fine study of the physic of such interaction. The dependence of the solution to numerical parameters is studied extensively. The effects of the size of the domain in the spanwise direction, of the resolution in the longitudinal direction, and the presence of a subgrid-scale model do not appear to be deciding.