In a pump-probe experiment, we have been able to control, with phase-locked probe pulses, the ultrafast nonlinear optical emission of a semiconductor microcavity, arising from polariton parametric amplification. This evidences the coherence of the polariton population near k = 0, even for delays much longer than the pulse width. The control of a large population at k = 0 is possible although the probe pulses are much weaker than the large polarization they control. With rising pump power the dynamics of the scattering get faster. Just above threshold the parametric scattering process shows unexpected long coherence times, whereas when pump power is risen the contrast decays due to a significant pump reservoir depletion. The weak pulses at normal incidence control the whole angular emission pattern of the microcavity.
Majed Chergui, Andre Al Haddad, Lars-Hendrik Mewes, Rebecca Ann Ingle