Neighbor Discovery (ND) is an enabler for communication in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Attacks against ND, notably the well-known and simple to mount wormhole attack, can severely degrade performance and security. Hence it should be thwarted in any WSN deployed in a potentially hostile environment. To this end, we design and analyze a secure neighbor discovery scheme tailored for low-cost and hardware-constrained WSN. Moreover, we provide and evaluate a first proof-of-concept implementation of such a scheme for an off-the-shelf WSN: the Cricket Motes. Our scheme utilizes the ultrasound ranging capabilities of these motes, together with simple geometric tests, to effectively thwart wormhole attacks. It is provably secure against a classical 2-end wormhole attack, and raises significantly the difficulty of mounting a k-end attack (with k>2): To have a non-negligible chance of success, the adversary needs to know the locations of all nodes affected by the attack.
Andreas Peter Burg, Catherine Dehollain, Roberto La Rosa
Catherine Dehollain, Roberto La Rosa