Among the factors of health risks in urban areas, the solid and liquid wastes worsen particularly the problems of public health in developing countries. Uncontrolled solid waste disposal sites and waste water sites constitute major sources of danger for public health. Often, there is no mapped and documented inventory. The perception of danger related to infectious sources by the exposed populations is generally not well-known and even often ignored by the public institutions in their management policy of health and wastes. The same can be considered for the link between diagnosed diseases in health care services and the presence of waste disposal sites near patients' residences. The goal of this study is to determine the main factors of waste management and their consequences on health. This goal shall be reached using a GIS approach and through a case study concerning two districts in the town of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. In detail, the objectives are: i) to build a spatial database for waste disposal sites and public health care management and to propose a methodological approach for the elaboration of a GIS, associating social science, health and the geographical information science; ii) to identify and to analyze indicators of public health related to domestic and industrial waste; ii) to compare these indicators with the different actors' perception, according to the distance and dangers represented by the seriousness of potential danger sources; iv) to analyze if there is a relation between the actors' perception and the diseases diagnosed in health care services; v) to promote GIS in institutional structures in order to facilitate decision-making in waste management. Geographical information science has contributed to the creation of a database containing general geographical data, the disposal waste sites, the data of the actors' perception and health data. This database was used for spatial-thematic, temporal and statistical analyses. At first we have established an inventory of disposal waste sites. Hereafter we have analyzed their spatial influence. We then compared the situation to the perception of dangers and to the people's health risks, related to the distance to sources of potential danger. An analysis of the relation between the disease cases listed (counted) in health centers and the presence of waste (infectious) sources was carried out. This allowed some degree of comparison between the subjectivity of danger perception and the reality. The inventory of potential danger sources and the analysis of their influence spheres shows that 86 % (456 ha) of the study area is threatened by a danger, among which 45 % (235 ha) are considered exposed to a higher danger. The results also show that only 14 % of the population in both sectors (2'574 inhabitants of 18'978 total inhabitants) is not exposed to potential health risks. The analysis of the perceived danger according to the distance revealed that the perceived danger generally decreases proportionally to the distance. Surprisingly certain persons living near a polluted site don't consider the site as dangerous. However others, living far away from the same site, perceive it as dangerous. In these cases the subjective dimension of the perception is thus revealed. The temporal analyses of listed diseases show a correlation between the cases of malaria and the precipitation. The time gap between precipitation-related peaks and malaria cases related peaks varies from two to three months, leaving enough time to take preventive measures. We were not able to establish a link between the patient's residence and pollution sources; because the patient's geographical location is not mentioned in the health care services' registers. A modification of the registration forms has been suggested. The developed methodology and the results gathered led to the establishment of suggestions and recommendations based on the integration of GIS in waste and health management. This study has already contributed to the setup of a geo-information network composed of various actors in waste and health management.
Florian Frédéric Vincent Breider, Xiaocheng Zhang
Dario Floreano, Bokeon Kwak, Markéta Pankhurst, Jun Shintake