In this paper, an approach is introduced based on differential operators to construct wavelet-like basis functions. Given a differential operator L with rational transfer function, elementary building blocks are obtained that are shifted replicates of the Green's function of L. It is shown that these can be used to specify a sequence of embedded spline spaces that admit a hierarchical exponential B-spline representation. The corresponding B-splines are entirely specified by their poles and zeros; they are compactly supported, have an explicit analytical form, and generate multiresolution Riesz bases. Moreover, they satisfy generalized refinement equations with a scale-dependent filter and lead to a representation that is dense in . This allows us to specify a corresponding family of semi-orthogonal exponential spline wavelets, which provides a major extension of earlier polynomial spline constructions. These wavelets are completely characterized, and it is proven that they satisfy the following remarkable properties: 1) they are orthogonal across scales and generate Riesz bases at each resolution level; 2) they yield unconditional bases of -either compactly supported (B-spline-type) or with exponential decay (orthogonal or dual-type); 3) they have N vanishing exponential moments, where N is the order of the differential operator; 4) they behave like multiresolution versions of the operator L from which they are derived; and 5) their order of approximation is (N − M), where N and M give the number of poles and zeros, respectively. Last but not least, the new wavelet-like decompositions are as computationally efficient as the classical ones. They are computed using an adapted version of Mallat's filterbank algorithm, where the filters depend on the decomposition level.
Fabio Nobile, Simone Brugiapaglia