Pixel microvertex detectors at the SLHC and a future linear collider face very challenging issues: extreme radiation hardness, cooling design, interconnections density and fabrication cost. As an alternative approach we present a novel pixel detector based on the deposition of a Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon (a-Si:H) film on top of a readout ASIC. The Thin-Film on ASIC (TFA) technology is inspired by an emerging microelectronic technology envisaged for visible light Active Pixel Sensor (APS) devices. We present results obtained with a-Si:H sensor films deposited on a glass substrate and on ASIC, including the radiation hardness of this material up to a fluence of 3.5×1015 p/cm2. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Damien Bouffard, Hugo Nicolás Ulloa Sánchez, Tomy Doda, Cintia Luz Ramon Casanas
Alfred Johny Wüest, Damien Bouffard, Hugo Nicolás Ulloa Sánchez, Tomy Doda
Olivier Martin, Philippe Renaud, Arnaud Bertsch, Daniel Migliozzi, Evgenii Glushkov, Clémentine Sophie Sarah Lipp, Hsiang-Chu Wang, Audrey Zoé Marie Jacquillat