The aim of information-theoretic secrecy is to ensure that an eavesdropper who listens to the wireless transmission of a message can only collect an arbitrarily small number of information bits about this message. In contrast to cryptography, there are no assumptions on the computational power of the eavesdropper. Information-theoretically secret communication has been studied for many particular wireless network topologies. In the main part of this thesis, we consider such communication for arbitrary acyclic wireless network topologies. We provide lower and upper bounds on the strong perfect secrecy capacity for the case when the channels of the network are either Gaussian or deterministic. These results are based on the recent understanding of the capacity of wireless networks (without secrecy constraints) by Avestimehr, Diggavi and Tse. As a side result, we give inner and outer bounds on the capacity region for the multisource problem in arbitrary wireless networks with Gaussian or deterministic signal interaction. For linear deterministic signal interaction, we find the exact capacity region. For Gaussian signal interaction, we are able to bound the gap between the two bounds on the capacity region. This gap depends only on the network topology, but not on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), which leads to an approximation of the capacity region for the high SNR regime. We further consider a particular network topology, called the fan-network, in which we assume that an eavesdropper has physical access to every node in a subset of the relay nodes. We give a general upper bound on the perfect secrecy capacity, and we characterize the perfect secrecy capacity for two special cases. In the second part of the thesis, we consider interactive secrecy, i.e., secrecy in the presence of a public feedback link from the destination to the source. We focus on the problem of secret key generation rather than secret communication. The benefit of public discussion for secret key generation in a broadcast channel was first shown by Maurer. We extend his ideas to a relay network called the line network, leading to a lower bound on the strongly secret key capacity for this network topology. Finally, we introduce a new channel coding setup called the interference-multiple access (IMA) channel. This channel is a variant of the interference channel where one of the receivers is required to decode the messages from both transmitters. We derive an inner bound on the capacity region of the IMA channel, as well as an outer bound for the so-called structured IMA channel. In a semi-deterministic version of the structured IMA channel, the bounds match, providing a characterization of the capacity region. In the Gaussian case, we obtain a 1 bit-approximation of the capacity region. We also show an inner bound on the equivocation-capacity region for the IMA channel, where we require that part of the private message for one receiver is kept information-theoretically secret from the other receiver.
Alessandro Chiesa, Yinuo Zhang
Bryan Alexander Ford, Antoine Rault, Amogh Pradeep, Hira Javaid