As living systems understanding got better, as life could be modeled in a batch, using immortalized cells, researches in fundamental sciences found startling applications of advanced techniques on living systems. As the biomaterial field developed various molecules were found to have very interesting applications on living systems. Polyrotaxane is one of these particularly interesting molecules. It is a non covalently bonded molecular necklace produced by the threading of cyclic molecules onto a linear polymer in order to form a pseudopolyrotaxane, the capping of this pseudopolyrotaxane to avoid de-threading of the cyclic compounds forms a polyrotaxane. This compound has already proven its versatility through various application including drug delivery systems, DNA delivery agent, molecular machine, hydrogel building block, resin stabilizer and a lot more. Cyclodextrins (CDs) and Polyester are known to form a pseudopolyrotaxane. CDs are composed of 6 to 8 glucopyranose forming a toroid shaped molecule that can contain different molecules depending on the solvent, experimental conditions and the number of sugar subunits. In this project an attempt has been made to synthesize a special type of polyrotaxane that would allow the whole complex to bare a higher degree of freedom compared to the ones currently documented. In order to do so the widest CD has been used (Gamma-CD, GCD), the chosen host has been poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) chains of varying molecular weight and the capping reagent used was beta-CD derivatives. Furthermore since current literature hasn't documented it so well and its properties are essential to this study, some more characterization of the PEG/GCD pseudopolyrotaxane has been made. The Macromolecules have been characterized by maldi tof mass spectroscopy(MALDI-T-MS), electro spray ionization (ESI) mass detection, X-ray diffraction(XRD), gel phase chromatography (GPC) and liquid Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The beta CD and poly(ethylene glycol) derivatives have been characterized using Fourier transform infra red spectroscopy (FTIR), NMR, MALDI-Toff MS, ESI and thin layer Chromatography (TLC)
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