The increasing demand for photovoltaic devices and the associated crystalline silicon feedstock demand scenario have led in the past years to the fast growth of the thin film silicon industry. The high potential for cost reduction and the suitability for building integration have initiated both industrial and research laboratories dynamisms for amorphous silicon and micro-crystalline silicon based photovoltaic technologies. The recent progress towards higher efficiencies thin film silicon solar cells obtained at the IMT-EPFL in Neuchatel in small-area laboratory and semi-large-area industrial Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PE-CVD) systems are reviewed. Advanced light trapping schemes are fundamental to reach high conversion efficiency and the potential of advanced Transparent Conductive Oxides (TCO) is presented, together with issues associated to the impact of the substrate morphology onto the growth of the silicon films. The recent improvements realized in amorphous-microcrystalline tandem solar cells on glass substrate are then presented, and the latest results on 1 cm2 cells are reported with up to 13.3 % initial efficiency for small-area reactors and up to 12.3 % initial for large-area industrial reactors. Finally, the different strategies to reach an improved light confinement in a thin film solar cell deposited on a flexible substrate are discussed, with the incorporation of asymmetric intermediate reflectors. Results of micromorph solar cells in the n-i-p configuration with up to 9.8 % stabilized efficiency are reported.
Mathieu Gérard Boccard, Julie Amandine Dreon