In this paper we present an application of GIS and airborne light detection and ranging (LIDAR) data analysis for computation of morphological properties of buildings' descriptors in the context of an urban morphogenesis geo-simulator. The morphological descriptors of buildings here studied are the mean height, total volume, number of faces, ground surface area, facades surface area, roof surface area, envelope surface area, type of roof, envelope surface area-to-ground surface area complexity, envelope surface area-to-total volume complexity and total volume-to-number of faces complexity. Considering the building's morphology under analysis, its properties are extracted from a 2D GIS cadastral database and a normalized 2.5-D Urban Surface Model (n2.5-DUSM) with a resolution grid of 1 by 1 meter, constructed from a hybrid approach that uses GIS and LIDAR data, or a segmentation procedure for LIDAR data. The case study for application is the district of Chavannes, in Lausanne, where GIS and LIDAR data is available.
Gabriele Manoli, Matthias Roth