The purpose of this study is to assess the damage caused to the equipment (beamdump, collimators etc) in case of an accident involving full impact of the LHC beam. First, the FLUKA code [1] is used to calculate the proton energy loss in solid carbon and this energy loss data is used as input to a two–dimensional hydrodynamic computer code, BIG2 [2] to study the thermodynamic and hydrodynamic response of the target. The BIG2 code is run for 5 μs and the density distribution at the end of this run time is used in FLUKA to generate new energy loss data corresponding to this density distribution. FLUKA and BIG2 are thus run iteratively with a time interval of 5 μs. Previously [3], we carried out hydrodynamic simulations using the energy loss data calculated by FLUKA using solid carbon density, but scaled according to the line density in axial direction. In the present paper, we give a comparison between the results obtained using the two models. Our simulations show that the latter model overestimates the beam penetration. Moreover, the density and the temperature distributions are quite different in the two cases.
Christophe Moser, Timothé Laforest, Damien Claude-Marie Loterie, Chiara Bonati
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