Standard electrode potentialIn electrochemistry, standard electrode potential , or , is a measure of the reducing power of any element or compound. The IUPAC "Gold Book" defines it as: "the value of the standard emf (electromotive force) of a cell in which molecular hydrogen under standard pressure is oxidized to solvated protons at the left-hand electrode". The basis for an electrochemical cell, such as the galvanic cell, is always a redox reaction which can be broken down into two half-reactions: oxidation at anode (loss of electron) and reduction at cathode (gain of electron).
Cyclic voltammetryIn electrochemistry, cyclic voltammetry (CV) is a type of potentiodynamic measurement. In a cyclic voltammetry experiment, the working electrode potential is ramped linearly versus time. Unlike in linear sweep voltammetry, after the set potential is reached in a CV experiment, the working electrode's potential is ramped in the opposite direction to return to the initial potential. These cycles of ramps in potential may be repeated as many times as needed.
Reduction potentialRedox potential (also known as oxidation / reduction potential, ORP, pe, , or ) is a measure of the tendency of a chemical species to acquire electrons from or lose electrons to an electrode and thereby be reduced or oxidised respectively. Redox potential is expressed in volts (V). Each species has its own intrinsic redox potential; for example, the more positive the reduction potential (reduction potential is more often used due to general formalism in electrochemistry), the greater the species' affinity for electrons and tendency to be reduced.
VoltammetryVoltammetry is a category of electroanalytical methods used in analytical chemistry and various industrial processes. In voltammetry, information about an analyte is obtained by measuring the current as the potential is varied. The analytical data for a voltammetric experiment comes in the form of a voltammogram which plots the current produced by the analyte versus the potential of the working electrode. Voltammetry is the study of current as a function of applied potential.
Linear sweep voltammetryIn analytical chemistry, linear sweep voltammetry is a method of voltammetry where the current at a working electrode is measured while the potential between the working electrode and a reference electrode is swept linearly in time. Oxidation or reduction of species is registered as a peak or trough in the current signal at the potential at which the species begins to be oxidized or reduced. The experimental setup for linear sweep voltammetry utilizes a potentiostat and a three-electrode setup to deliver a potential to a solution and monitor its change in current.
Standard electrode potential (data page)The data values of standard electrode potentials (E°) are given in the table below, in volts relative to the standard hydrogen electrode, and are for the following conditions: A temperature of . An effective concentration of 1 mol/L for each aqueous species or a species in mercury amalgam (an alloy of mercury with another metal). A partial pressure of 101.325 kPa (absolute) (1 atm, 1.01325 bar) for each gaseous reagent.
Electrode potentialIn electrochemistry, electrode potential is the electromotive force of a galvanic cell built from a standard reference electrode and another electrode to be characterized. By convention, the reference electrode is the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE). It is defined to have a potential of zero volts. It may also be defined as the potential difference between the charged metallic rods and salt solution. The electrode potential has its origin in the potential difference developed at the interface between the electrode and the electrolyte.
Hydrodynamic voltammetryIn analytical chemistry, hydrodynamic voltammetry is a form of voltammetry in which the analyte solution flows relative to a working electrode. In many voltammetry techniques, the solution is intentionally left still to allow diffusion-controlled mass transfer. When a solution is made to flow, through stirring or some other physical mechanism, it is very important to the technique to achieve a very controlled flux or mass transfer in order to obtain predictable results.
Nernst equationIn electrochemistry, the Nernst equation is a chemical thermodynamical relationship that permits the calculation of the reduction potential of a reaction (half-cell or full cell reaction) from the standard electrode potential, absolute temperature, the number of electrons involved in the redox reaction, and activities (often approximated by concentrations) of the chemical species undergoing reduction and oxidation respectively. It was named after Walther Nernst, a German physical chemist who formulated the equation.
Rotating disk electrodeIn analytical chemistry, a rotating disk electrode (RDE) is a working electrode used in three-electrode systems for hydrodynamic voltammetry. The electrode rotates during experiments, inducing a flux of analyte to the electrode. These working electrodes are used in electrochemical studies when investigating reaction mechanisms related to redox chemistry, among other chemical phenomena. The more complex rotating ring-disk electrode can be used as a rotating disk electrode if the ring is left inactive during the experiment.