In this paper we propose a reduced basis hybrid method (RBHM) for the approximation of partial differential equations in domains represented by complex networks where topological features are recurrent. The RBHM is applied to Stokes equations in domains which are decomposable into smaller similar blocks that are properly coupled. The RBHM is built upon the reduced basis element method (RBEM) and it takes advantage from both the reduced basis methods (RB) and the domain decomposition method. We move from the consideration that the blocks composing the computational domain are topologically similar to a few reference shapes. On the latter, representative solutions, corresponding to the same governing partial differential equations, are computed for different values of some parameters of interest, representing, for example, the deformation of the blocks. A generalized transfinite mapping is used in order to produce a global map from the reference shapes of each block to any deformed configuration. The desired solution on the given original computational domain is recovered as projection of the previously precomputed solutions and then glued across subdomain interfaces by suitable coupling conditions. The geometrical parametrization of the domain, by transfinite mapping, induces non-affine parameter dependence: an empirical interpolation technique is used to recover an approximate affine parameter dependence and a subsequent offline/online decomposition of the reduced basis procedure. This computational decomposition yields a considerable reduction of the problem complexity. Results computed on some combinations of 2D and 3D geometries representing cardiovascular networks show the advantage of the method in terms of reduced computational costs and the quality of the coupling to guarantee continuity of both stresses, pressure and velocity at subdomain interfaces.
Volkan Cevher, Efstratios Panteleimon Skoulakis, Leello Tadesse Dadi
Alfio Quarteroni, Andrea Manzoni