In this paper we consider the numerical solution of the three-dimensional fluid–structure interaction problem in haemodynamics, in the case of real geometries, physiological data and finite elasticity vessel deformations. We study some new inexact schemes, obtained from semi-implicit approximations, which treat exactly the physical interface conditions while performing just one or few iterations for the management of the interface position and of the fluid and structure non-linearities. We show that such schemes allow to improve the efficiency while preserving the accuracy of the related exact (implicit) scheme. To do this we consider both a simple analytical test case and two real cases of clinical interest in haemodynamics. We also provide an error analysis for a simple differential model problem when a BDF method is considered for the time discretization and only few Newton iterations are performed at each temporal instant.
Assyr Abdulle, Giacomo Rosilho De Souza
Annalisa Buffa, Espen Sande, Yannis Dirk Voet
Daniel Kressner, Ivana Sain Glibic