Purpose – Since pulsed lasers are mainly used in selective laser sintering (SLS) – contrarily to selective laser melting (SLM) – only the exterior of the powder particles is molten while their core stays solid. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the binding mechanism between two particles of titanium powder. Design/methodology/approach – A dedicated experimental setup is used to isolate the particles. They are then irradiated by the laser. SEM micrographs are taken at each step and image analysis is performed. The obtained results are compared with the predictions of a thermal model allowing for the incorporation of the latent heat of fusion and for a realistic surrounding. The absorbed laser intensity is modeled by means of the Mie theory. Findings – The growing of the interparticular necks and the volume of liquid formed for different repetition rates are measured and compared with numerical simulations. A good agreement is found. A new method to easily find the absorption coefficient of the laser into the grain and the heat exchange coefficient with the exterior is developed. Originality/value – This paper leads to a better understanding of the necking phenomena involved in the SLS consolidation process. An experimental set-up has been developed to observe and quantify the final state of a small amount of laser sintered grains. This process has been shown to be replicable and trustful. The thermal model leads to good predictions of the particle final sintering state.