Several recent detector technologies developed for particle physics applications are based on microfabricated structures. Detectors built with this approach generally exhibit the overall best performance in terms of spatial and time resolution. Many properties of the SU-8 photoepoxy make it suitable for the manufacturing of microstructured particle detectors. This article aims to review some emerging detector technologies making use of SU-8 microstructuring, namely micropattern gaseous detectors and microfluidic scintillation detectors. The general working principle and main process steps for the fabrication of each device are reported, with a focus on the advantages brought to the device functionality by the use of SU-8. A novel process based on multiple bonding steps for the fabrication of thin multilayer microfluidic scintillation detectors developed by the authors is presented. Finally, a brief overview of the applications for the discussed devices is given.
Anastasia Ailamaki, Panagiotis Sioulas, Eleni Zapridou
Sylvain Dunand, Jonathan Emanuel Thomet, Luca Massimiliano Antognini, Matthew James Large
Philippe Renaud, Massimo Angeletti