Recent progresses in the second generation REBa2Cu3O7-x (RE123) coated conductor (CC) have paved a way for the development of superconducting solenoids capable of generating fields well above 23.5 T, i.e. the limit of NbTi-Nb3Sn-based magnets. However, the RE123 magnet still poses several fundamental and engineering challenges. In this work we review the state-of-the-art of conductor and magnet technologies. The goal is to illustrate a close synergetic relationship between evolution of high-field magnets and advancement in superconductor technology. The paper is organized in three parts: (1) the basics of RE123 CC fabrication technique, including latest developments to improve conductor performance and production throughput; (2) critical issues and innovative design concepts for the RE123-based magnet; and (3) an overview of noteworthy ongoing magnet projects.
Pierluigi Bruzzone, Kamil Sedlák, Roberto Guarino, Evgeny Solodko
Yves Perriard, Yoan René Cyrille Civet, Paolo Germano, Christian Köchli, Sofia Lydia Ntella, Kenny Jeanmonod, Bhawnath Tiwari