Veluxlab is the first Italian Nearly Zero Energy Building. It is placed in Bovisa Campus of Politecnico di Milano and it represents a study case of high energy efficiency building, integrating in the future scenario required by the European Directive 2010/31/UE. VELUXlab was born as a Mediterranean Model Home for VELUX, called Atika, designed by J.A. Cantalejo and R.A.Ronda from ACXT/IDOM studio. It personified the prototype of energy efficiency building for the Mediterranean Region and it is the result of an important architectural and performance retrofit. The renovation was led by Atelier2 with the supervision of Professor Imperadori and Professor Motta from Politecnico di Milano.The collaboration between Politecnico di Milano and VELUX Italia gave the opportunity of create a new lab, a sort of test building, where it is possible to develop the experimental research on going in the University. In this way VELUXlab became itself matter of research on the energy efficiency and sustainability in the building sector. The use of innovative solutions and materials for the envelope coupled with an advanced technological system, makes representing the first Italian nearly Zero Energy Building in a University Campus. Furthermore, thanks to its energetic performance and to the integration of renewable source, it is the first built Active House in Italy ( VELUXlab is, therefore, an example of smart and sustainable re-use of an existing structure as well as a model of energy efficient building and a prototype for the new generation home, bringing forward future experimentations and implementation in the sector. It is the profitable collaboration between Politecnico and construction companies that allows to innovate, test and research sustainability and efficiency. The west wing of the building and the conditioning system are equipped with a revolutionary wireless sensors network (WSN), designed by the DEI Department of Politecnico di Milano (Prof. Cugola, Ing. Sivieri), that allows a constantly monitoring of the real performance of the envelope - indoor comfort system. The real time results are broadcasted on the University intranet, elaborated by a remote server and then made available on-line. Thanks to this streaming it is possible to understand the real performance of VELUXlab in the first year of measurement. This data portray the ordinary operational situation, including the internal strains given by the users; it is easy to understand that the building itself is a prototype, conceived as an active and dynamic laboratory. In order to make easier the data interpretation and management, the Design Department (Prof. Bordegoni), is been studying an innovative and more intuitive way to visualize the sensors data, with the implementation of the graphic interface in an augmented reality platform. It is easy to understand that VELUXlab offers continuously incentives and opportunities for testing and experimenting innovative solutions and ideas, giving the chance to continue research and studies.
Jian Wang, Gabriele Manoli, Paolo Burlando