Typical flue gas streams have low concns. of CO2 and high gas flow rates, making porous materials, such as zeolites, metal-org. frameworks (MOFs), and activated carbons promising options for the future sepn./sequestration of CO2. These framework materials typically exhibit high internal surface areas allowing them to phys. adsorb significant amts. of gas. While adsorption capacity is important, high selectivity and facile regeneration are pertinent properties for post-combustion capture. The selectivity of a porous adsorbent can be due to a no. of effects such as exclusion due to the size/shape of the pores, adsorbent/adsorbate surface interactions, and varying diffusion rates between different components in a gas mixt. We report on the pertinent results from several of our recent investigations of low-pressure CO2/N2/O2 sorption in MOFs and exchanged derivs. of zeolite SSZ-13. Insights in to the site-specific adsorption properties are obtained utilizing neutron powder diffraction combined with in situ CO2 adsorption.
Berend Smit, Susana Garcia Lopez, Kevin Maik Jablonka, Christopher Patrick Ireland