We compute an optimal day-ahead dispatch plan for distribution networks with stochastic resources and batteries, while accounting for grid and battery losses. We formulate and solve a scenario-based AC Optimal Power Flow (OPF), which is by construction non-convex. We explain why the existing relaxation methods do not apply and we propose a novel iterative scheme, Corrected DistFlow (CoDistFlow), to solve the scenario-based AC OPF problem in radial networks. It uses a modified branch flow model for radial networks with angle relaxation that accounts for line shunt capacitances. At each step, it solves a convex problem based on a modified DistFlow OPF with correction terms for line losses and node voltages. Then, it updates the correction terms using the results of a full load flow. We prove that under a mild condition, a fixed point of CoDistFlow provides an exact solution to the full AC power flow equations. We propose treating battery losses similarly to grid losses by using a single-port electrical equivalent instead of battery efficiencies. We evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme in a simple and real electrical networks. We conclude that grid and battery losses affect the feasibility of the day-ahead dispatch plan and show how CoDistFlow can handle them correctly.
Mario Paolone, Willem Lambrichts
Yuning Jiang, Wei Chen, Xin Liu, Ting Wang
Lei Zhang, Kangning Zhao, Jun Lu, Xu Zhang