In the paper we deal with shells with non-zero Gaussian curvature. We derive sharp Korn's first (linear geometric rigidity estimate) and second inequalities on that kind of shell for zero or periodic Dirichlet, Neumann, and Robin type boundary conditions. We prove that if the Gaussian curvature is positive, then the optimal constant in the first Korn inequality scales like h, and if the Gaussian curvature is negative, then the Korn constant scales like h(4/3), where h is the thickness of the shell. These results have a classical flavour in continuum mechanics, in particular shell theory. The Korn first inequalities are the linear version of the famous geometric rigidity estimate by Friesecke et al. for plates in Arch Ration Mech Anal 180(2): 183-236, 2006 (where they show that the Korn constant in the nonlinear Korn's first inequality scales like h(2)), extended to shells with nonzero curvature. We also recover the uniform Korn-Poincare inequality proven for "boundary-less" shells by Lewicka and Muller in Annales de l'Institute Henri Poincare (C) Non Linear Anal 28(3): 443-469, 2011 in the setting of our problem. The new estimates can also be applied to find the scaling law for the critical buckling load of the shell under in-plane loads as well as to derive energy scaling laws in the pre-buckled regime. The exponents 1 and 4/3 in the present work appear for the first time in any sharp geometric rigidity estimate.
Annalisa Buffa, Simone Deparis, Pablo Antolin Sanchez, Felipe Figueredo Rocha