Phase-field models have been extensively used to study interfacial phenomena, from solidification to vesicle dynamics. In this article, we analyze a phase-field model that captures the relevant physical features that characterize biological membranes. We show that the Helfrich theory of elasticity of membranes can be applied to phase-field models, allowing to derive the expressions of the stress tensor, lateral stress profile and elastic moduli. We discuss the relevance and interpretations of these magnitudes from a phase-field perspective. Taking the sharp-interface limit we show that the membrane macroscopic equilibrium equation can be derived from the equilibrium condition of the phase-field interface. We also study two dynamic models that describe the behaviour of a membrane. From the study of the relaxational behaviour of the membrane we characterize the relevant dynamics of each model, and discuss their applications.
Christian Heinis, Xinjian Ji, Edward Jeffrey Will, Anne Sofie Luise Zarda, Alessandro Angelini, Alexander Lund Nielsen, Manuel Leonardo Merz, Mischa Schüttel, Ganesh Kumar Mothukuri, Zsolt Bognár
Kumar Varoon Agrawal, Cédric Karel J Van Goethem