The motion of parts of an object is usually perceived relative to the object, i.e., nonretinotopically, rather than in retinal coordinates. For example, we perceive a reflector to rotate on the wheel of a moving bicycle even though its trajectory is cycloidal on the retina. The rotation is perceived because the motion of the object (bicycle) is discounted from the motion of its parts (reflector). It seems that the visual system can easily compute the object motion and subtract it from the part motion. Bikes move usually rather predictably. Given the complexity of real-world motion computations, including many ill-posed problems such as the motion correspondence problem, predictability of an object's motion may be essential for nonretinotopic perception. Here, we used the Ternus-Pikler display to investigate this question. Performance was not impaired when contrast polarity, shape, and motion trajectories changed unpredictably. Our findings suggest that predictability is not crucial for nonretinotopic motion processing.
Michael Herzog, Leila Drissi Daoudi - Kleinbauer, Lukas Vogelsang