In future tokamaks like ITER with tungsten walls, it is imperative to control tungsten accumulation in the core of operational plasmas, especially since tungsten accumulation can lead to radiative collapse and disruption. We investigate the behaviour of tungsten trace impurities in a JET-like hybrid-scenario with both axisymmetric and saturated 1/1 ideal helical-core in the presence of strong plasma rotation. For this purpose, we obtain the equilibria from VMEC and use VENUS-LEVIS, a guiding-centre orbit-following code, to follow heavy impurity particles. In this work, VENUS-LEVIS has been modified to account for strong plasma flows with associated neoclassical effects arising from such flows. We find that the combination of helical core and plasma rotation augments the standard neoclassical inward pinch compared to axisymmetry, and leads to a strong inward pinch of impurities towards the magnetic axis despite the strong outward diffusion provided by the centrifugal force, as frequently observed in experiments.
Alessandro Pau, Federico Alberto Alfredo Felici, Bernhard Sieglin
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Olivier Sauter, Federico Alberto Alfredo Felici, Cassandre Ekta Contré, Anna Teplukhina, Simon Van Mulders, Bernhard Sieglin