This chapter presents three MS Excel programs, namely, EMOO (Excel based Multi-Objective Optimization), NDS (Non-Dominated Sorting) and PM (Performance Metrics) useful for Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) studies. The EMOO program is for finding non-dominated solutions of a given MOO problem. It has both binary-coded and realcoded NSGA-II (Elitist Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm), and two termination criteria based on chi-squared test and steady state detection. The known/true Pareto-optimal front for the application problems is not available unlike that for benchmark problems. Hence, a procedure for obtaining known/true Pareto-optimal front is described in this chapter. The NDS program is for non-dominated sorting and crowding distance calculations of the non-dominated solutions obtained from several optimization runs using same or different MOO programs. The PM program can be used to calculate the values of performance metrics between the non-dominated solutions obtained using a MOO program and the true/known Pareto optimal front. It is useful for comparing the performance of MOO programs to find the non-dominated solutions. Finally, use of EMOO, NDS and PM programs is demonstrated on MOO of amine absorption process for natural gas sweetening.
Olga Fink, Chao Hu, Sayan Ghosh