Dynamically-scheduled elastic circuits generated by High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tools are inherently out-of-order, following the flow of data rather than the evolution of an instruction pointer. Components of the circuit which access memory need to be connected to a Load-Store Queue (LSQ) that dynamically checks for memory dependencies, performs store ordering and forwarding, and allows unordered access to Random-Access Memory (RAM) whenever possible. While connecting every memory access (load/store) component to an LSQ ensures correctness of program execution, the hardware and power cost makes this solution unattractive. Statically ruling out dependencies allows circuits to access memory via lightweight components that use an arbitrator to handle RAM port sharing. Reducing the number of components using the LSQ allows the compiler to generate smaller queues which results in superlinear savings in hardware and power for the memory subsystem. This work describes additions to the Elastic Compiler (EC) that allow it to analyze algorithms expressed in LLVM-IR, an intermediate code representation, to rule out memory dependencies between load/store instructions and their underlying insights. These analyses leverage pointer analysis as well as array access patterns to narrow down the list of possibly dependent instructions. We also enhance the compiler to leverage our analyses and automatically generate relevant memory-access components for the circuit and to connect them to the relevant arbitrator or LSQ.
David Atienza Alonso, Giovanni Ansaloni, Alexandre Sébastien Julien Levisse, Marco Antonio Rios, Flavio Ponzina