The objectives of this study are to evaluate (1) direct non-visual effects of red-impoverished daylight on circadian resetting and alertness and (2) the daily light-exposure pattern on indirect–circadian–effects. The novelty of this study is that it will be conducted on the EPFL campus in two identical classrooms outfitted with electrochromic windows from SageGlass. Studying non-visual effects under real-life conditions are essential to better understand the role of an adaptive glazing to improve alertness in the context of a classroom. We will also log irradiance and illuminance at eye level in order to document light received at the eye over two 6-day trials. We hope that recording light exposure during wake hours will help us to better understand the type of light people receive on a daily basis and if adaptive glazing technologies can help mitigate negative physiological responses normal working hours.
Jean-Louis Scartezzini, Mirjam Münch, Marta Benedetti, Lenka Maierova