Sputter deposited Al(1-x)ScxN thin films with a Sc content from x = 0 to 43 at% are investigated by electron microscopy in order to study and explain the formation and growth of abnormally oriented grains (AOG). It is found that the latter did not nucleate at the interface with the substrate, but at high energy grain boundaries, at which systematically higher Sc concentrations are detected. The AOGs are thus formed during the growth of c-textured grains. They grow faster than those, and finally protrude from the c-textured film surface, having at their end a pyramidal shape with three facets of a hexagonal wurtzite crystal: one (0001) and two (112 over bar 0) facets. Process conditions favoring less compact grain boundaries, and lower surface diffusion across grain boundaries are thought to promote nucleation of AOGs. Finally, a 4-step growth mechanism explaining the nucleation from a Sc-rich complexion and proliferation of AOGs with increasing film thickness is proposed.
Carolina Baruffi, Christian Brandl
Christian Leinenbach, Rafal Wróbel
Christophe Ancey, Ivan Pascal, Bob de Graffenried, Raphaël Miazza