A future circular collider (FCC) with a center-of-mass energy of 100 TeV and a circumference of around 100 km, or an energy upgrade of the LHC (HE-LHC) to 27 TeV require bending magnets providing 16 Tin a SO-mm aperture. Several development programs for these magnets, based on Nb3Sn technology, are being pursued in Europe and in the U.S. In these programs, cos-theta, block-type, common-coil, and canted-cos-theta magnets are explored; first model magnets are under manufacture; limits on conductor stress levels are studied; and a conductor with enhanced characteristics is developed. This paper summarizes and discusses the status, plans, and preliminary results of these programs.
Yves Perriard, Yoan René Cyrille Civet, Paolo Germano, Christian Köchli, Sofia Lydia Ntella, Kenny Jeanmonod, Bhawnath Tiwari
Léon Van Riesen-Haupt, Frank Zimmermann