As demonstrated by the Soft Robotics Toolkit Platform, compliant robotics pose an exciting educational opportunity. Underwater robotics using soft undulating fins is an expansive research topic with applications such as exploration of underwater life or replicating 3d swarm behavior. To make this research area accessible for education we developed Educational Soft Underwater Robot with Electromagnetic Actuation (ESURMA), a humanoid soft underwater robot. We achieved advances in simplicity, modularity, and performance by implementing electromagnetic actuation into the caudal fin. An electromagnet, including electronics, is placed in a waterproof housing, and permanent magnets are embedded in a soft silicone cast tail. The force from their magnetic interaction results in a bending movement of the tail. The magnetic actuation is simple to implement and requires no mechanical connection between the actuated component and the electrically controlled coil. This enables robust waterproofing and makes the device fully modular. Thanks to the direct and immediate transmission of force, experimental flapping frequencies of 14Hz were achieved, an order of magnitude higher compared to pneumatically actuated tails. The completely silent actuation of the caudal fin enables a maximum swimming speed of 14.3cm/s. With its humanoid shape, modular composition, and cost efficiency ESURMA represents an attractive platform for education and demonstrates an alternative method of actuating soft structures.
Dario Floreano, Bokeon Kwak, Markéta Pankhurst, Jun Shintake, Ryo Kanno