A theoretical model for isotopologues of beryllium monohydride, BeH, BeD and BeT, A (2)Pi to X (2)Sigma(+) visible and X (2)Sigma(+) to X (2)Sigma(+) infrared rovibronic spectra is presented. The MARVEL procedure is used to compute empirical rovibronic energy levels for BeH, BeD and BeT, using experimental transition data for the X (2)Sigma(+), A (2)Pi, and C (2)Sigma(+) states. The energy levels from these calculations are then used in the program Duo to produce a potential energy curve for the ground state, X (2)Sigma, and to fit an improved potential energy curve for the first excited state, A (2)Pi, including a spin-orbit coupling term, a A-doubling state to state (A-X states) coupling term, and Born-Oppenheimer breakdown terms for both curves. These, along with a previously computed ab initio dipole curve for the X and A states are used to generate vibrational-rotational wavefunctions, transition energies and A-values. From the transition energies and Einstein coefficients, accurate assigned synthetic spectra for BeH and its isotopologues are obtained at given rotational and vibrational temperatures. The BeH spectrum is compared with a high resolution hollow-cathode lamp spectrum and the BeD spectrum with high resolution spectra from JET giving effective vibrational and rotational temperatures. Full A-X and X-X line lists are given for BeH, BeD and BeT and provided as supplementary data on the ExoMol website.
Alfredo Pasquarello, Aleksei Tal, Thomas Bischoff